Good News! TCS And Infosys To Hire Over 90,000 Freshers: IT Recruitment 2023 - PM Sarkari Yojana

Good News! TCS And Infosys To Hire Over 90,000 Freshers: IT Recruitment 2023

We all know that Infosys is one of the best IT companies. Infosys’ employment rate increased from 25.5 percent in March 2023 to 27.7 percent. Nilanjan Roy is the Chief Financial Officer of Infosys. Nilanjan Roy said that Tui has lost about 5 percent in both monthly attrition and total major cases. According to the data, Infosys and TCS recruited around 100,000 people on campus last year.

TCS And Infosys To Hire

Both Infosys and TCS have hired 85,000 and 1 million freshers, respectively, in the fiscal year 2023. According to Infosys, fewer freshers will be hired this year than last.

IT requirement 2023 TCS and Infosys

Nilanjana Roy, Chief Financial Officer, Infosys, said that Infosys had hired 85,000 freshers in India and worldwide in the previous financial year and planned to hire at least 50,000 freshers this year.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has said that the pace of recruitment will remain the same as in the previous financial year as it was in the previous year. BCS chief operating officer NG Subramaniam said the company was planning to hire about 40,000 people this year and would hire more if needed.

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IT requirement 2023 Details

NameTCS And Infosys To Hire Freshers
Job TypePrivate jobs

Infosys is hiring freshers at higher salaries

Infosys has hired 85000 freshers in the fiscal year 2023. Moreover, Infosys plans to hire more than 50,000 freshers in the fiscal year 2023.

Infosys Chief Financial Officer Nilanjana Roy said, “We have hired over 85,000 freshers across India and worldwide in the last financial year and we plan to hire at least 50,000 freshers this year.”

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TCS is hiring 100000 freshers

TCS i.e. Tata Consultancy Services has hired 1 lakh freshers for the financial year 2023 respectively. And TCS plans this year to hire 40,000 more people.

BCS chief operating officer NG Subramaniam said the company plans to hire around 40,000 people this year and will hire more if needed.

TCS and Infosys will continue to work from home

Tata Consultancy Services i.e. TCS has adopted the 25 × 25 models. And the goal of this model is to bring people back to the office and gradually transform it into a hybrid work model. Under the model, the company aims to have 25% of its employees working from the office by 2025. This means that according to the company’s information, work will be done from home, but the company’s employees have to spend only 25 percent of their office time going to the office through hybrid.

HCL Hybrid has said it will continue to work for their company. This puts the safety and well-being of the company’s employees at the highest priority. Infosys also said that the planned back offices will be opened and for the time being the work will be conducted in a hybrid.


We have given you information about IT recruitment 2023 through this page. If you still have any questions, ask us in the comments below.

IT Recruitment FAQ

How many freshers does TCS plan to employ in fiscal year 2023?

TCS plans to hire 40000 freshers and will hire more if needed.

How many freshers will Infosys hire this fiscal year?

Infosys plans to hire 50,000 freshers this year.

How many freshers did Infosys hire last year?

Infosys hired 85,000 freshers last year.

How many freshers did TCS hire last year?

TCS hired 100,000 freshers last year.

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